Sunday, June 22, 2008

David's graduation

Memorial Day weekend David graduated from highschool. That signals mom's retirement from homeschooling. The ceremony/reception went great and a lot of people attended. Here are some pics from the day.

David speaking

Mom! I don't know what that look on her face was

Dad sang a song after a short speech


my cousin Mercedes
Granny Hazel (great-grandmother) and her husband Vernon
Mercedes and mom's cousin's daughter Jewel
picture/guest signing table

Friday, June 06, 2008

Brief update

Well, so much has happened in the last few weeks so I'll just hit on some of the highlights.

Finals are over!!!! I ended the semester with my desired 4.0 by the skin of my teeth and the help of my friends. Finals week included many late night runs for some ice cream and orders from friends to calm down and remember that I would live through the week otherwise Amy would kill me. Wait, if I died then she couldn't have killed me! See what a finals brain will do to you? They tricked me! Ha.

Well, as finals ended the same day Amy arrived to visit for a week. We took several day trips and thoroughly enjoyed our time together. We hung out with friends and I took her to my regular Bible studies so she could see who all I hung out with and what we do. I even got to teach her how to play jungle!

David graduated almost 2 weeks ago! Lots of family came in to celebrate and we enjoyed the visiting time. Along with his graduation weekend I got the pleasure of having a swing break on me and send me flying. The adventures seem to never end.

Esh left for Israel right after Memorial day. A few tears were shed and goodbyes said. I'm just really thankful for the vonage phone! We've been able to talk almost everyday so far so that has been nice.

Well, I guess that's pretty much the highlights. Oh, and I got summoned for jury duty for the first time. :(

Worst of all David got held up at work. That was a first and hopefully a last. Nobody was injured thankfully but it was a pretty wild experience.

Here are some pictures.

Evidence of road tripping

In keeping with tradition. . .

Beginning a new tradition

My bestest friends hanging out together

aren't we a gorgeous threesome. . . wait, foursome.

in memory of the early days of my friendship with Amy
Starbucks makes us smile

park pictures

Taking a rest in the cool sand
Me pretending to have energy late at night
Toast, tea, and Psalms was our favorite night time combination
before the waterballoon fight. . .
Waiting to begin the waterballoon fight

Neno's "dorm kids"
the dorm kids gone wild
Tree pic.
Amy finally got her boarder pic!Friends in the sand