Wednesday, March 28, 2007

She's home!

Sorry for the udate lull. Yesterday was a busy full day. I was awakened at about 6 am to go to a birth. The birth was beautiful but we ended up doing several prenatals also that afternoon. By the time I got home it was around 6 pm and I was tired. Studying plans were thrown out the window and I made plans for Ainslee to come over and watch a movie while my family went to see a speaker.

This morning I was able to talk to Ashley herself on the phone! She had just gotten home from the hospital and is doing so much better. Her blood count is at 19,000 which is up from 1,600. Anything below 5,000 puts you at great risk of brain hemorrhaging. Still pray that her numbers continue to go up to where they should be (100,000-150,000)and that the spot where the took the bone marrow out heals well as it is painful right now. Her appetite is not very big at all which makes taking the steroids difficult. She seems pretty perky now but is rather weak still.

Thanks for all the prayers! I know her family appreciates it.



Gail said...

Glad to hear she's doing better! :)

[ amy ] said...

p.s. You do NOT look like Helen Hunt. You don't look like anyone but a Melody...and that's quite honest!

BrookLyn said...

Hey there, Mel!
I'm sorry to hear about your friend...I'll be praying for her and her family. Looks like you had a wonderful time in Israel!! Great pictures!!

Morgan said...

I'm so glad that she is doing better! I will continue to pray for her!