Saturday, May 12, 2007

Well, I took a short road trip today to get some snuggles from some cute babies! Luke is now 6 1/2 months old and got his first tooth the day after I last saw him last week. Justin is now 5 days old and cuter than ever and has already gained two ounces of weight. Here are some snap shots from the day.

Justin's big sister Jordan (18 months old)

Luke and Me!

Kara and Justin (doesn't she look awesome!)

Leslie and Luke



[ amy ] said...

Cuties! Maybe we'll get to meet my new neighbor, Walker, when you're in NoTX.

I shall be at the airport for a looooong time tomorrow.... call me if ya want :o)


Morgan said...

Oh, those are some cute kids! : )
Thanks for sharing, Mel!

Gail said...

CUTE! :)