Friday, February 01, 2008

So many changes in so little time!

Well, life keeps me on my toes! So many unexpected and yet great things have come my way in the last 3 weeks.

This week I went to the chiropractor to get adjusted mainly due to hauling school books around! go figure. Well, the chiro asked me what I was doing these days which led to asking if I wanted a job! I've been kinda looking but also working for my dad so I haven't been real serious. The chiro then proceeded to describe exactly what I was looking for! The right number of hours, the right amount of pay, and the right job description! I was so excited. In a few minutes I head out to fill out paperwork and I believe I'll begin working next week. So, if you guys need to be adjusted give me a ring and I can help you out!

Also this week I had 5 tests! Some were blow off tests or pretests. . . I think I did well on 3 of them (really easy!), the biggest test (biology) I know I did well on, and the History pretest, well I think I bombed it but who cares? It doesn't count toward my grade so I didn't study for it since I had the others.

Life's been great but so busy I haven't taken pictures. I'll try to squeeze some in soon!


[ amy ] said...

Have a study party and take pics!

I would love to get "adjusted"... unfortunately I am so far away. But I saw this quote earlier and thought of you:

"But if the while I think on thee, dear friend,
All losses are restored and sorrows end."

Congrats on the job!
<3 amy

uj said...

I neeeeed an adjustment!

Mel said...

Come on down and we'll straighten you out!