Wednesday, May 09, 2007

He's here and happy!

Just wanted everyone to know that Justin Zechariah arrived safely via C-Section on Monday night. He's adoreable and thinks he was created to suck on something at all times! My finger was one of his favorites. In fact for a while when I held him he refused to take his paci and insisted that I wash my finger and let him suck on it. I didn't mind though. He did leave some skin on it so all's good. Here's some pics of the long awaited little guy. Oh, he was 8 lbs 7 ounces and 20 inches long.

Also, mommy and baby are very healthy and got to go home today. You'd think mommy had had a homebirth afterall with how she gets around.

Notice what's his mouth!

Justin and Mommy
Justin and Daddy
Justin and Granny (paternal side)
Just Justin (and Granny's right hand)
Justin yawning with his favorite midwifery student! I guess I exhausted him telling him his birth story. LOL!


Gail said...

GORGEOUS BABY!!!! Oh, just wanna KISS 'IM!

[ amy ] said...

I love that last pic.... new babies are so amazing :o)

Morgan said...

What an adorable little guy!!! :D He is so cute! Thanks so much for the pics, Mel!