Thursday, November 29, 2007

Trailmix Waterfall

Last night Esh was sad about something so she flopped down on my bed. When she did I heard a strange noise and looked to see a waterfall of trailmix cascading to my floor. I started laughing so hard I couldn't move to stop the fall. The following is the series of emotions Esh went through when she realized what happened.

The mess


Picking up the mess
5 second rule! Benefits of trail mix waterfalls


[ amy ] said...

HAHAHA! That sounds like some of our escapades. Although with me it usually involves beads, I think...

Mel said...

I actually thought the exact same thing! When I saw it all over the floor I went back in time to when you accidentally knocked the beads over. Strange, I think of myself as more clumsy than both of you!