Thursday, January 17, 2008


Can you guess who the owner of these books is?

Monday I spoke with Esh on the phone for just long enough for her to tell me that she will be coming to the states this weekend to take classes at the local college. Shortly after that I ran out the door to meet with the midwives. We had a long but wonderful meeting all afternoon. We talked about a lot of things and they signed off a bunch of stuff for me. At the end we discussed my apprenticeship with them. Right now the clientele at the birthcenter is primarily Mennonite and many of them are uncomfortable with someone unmarried being at their prenatals/births. So, I really can't get a good number of clinicals here right now and also, I'm just not thinking that I'll be ready to be out on my own going to births in about a year and a half. As with everything timing is super important. I know midwifery is my calling but I don't think right now is the time. I came home and told my parents what we'd talked about. They asked what I planned to do and I said get a good job, keep doing my book work, and then go on my course's Dominican Republic trip in March. After about 5 minutes of talking I was convinced that going to college this semester would be better and I had a huge peace about it too. Monday was the first day of school and at this point it was about 4:30 pm on Monday! Mom and I ran up to the college and I signed up for classes. I was very blessed to get only the best professors even at that late date but that does mean I have 8 am classes 5 days a week!!!! AGHHHHH! I did get the last spot in several classes as well. God made such a path for me! So, this semester I'm taking Biology, the second half of American History, History of Jazz (super fun class), Medical Terminology, and Bowling. Esh and I are in bowling together and that should be fun. I've been once and already learned that Wii bowling gives one false hope! The prof. is really funny and this should definately be a blow-off class.

Well, those text-books are calling! Yep, it's the very textbooks in the picture.


[ amy ] said...

I can't believe you're in school again... yea for being a bookworm with me :o) I'm jealous of your jazz class! Not so much the bowling, but I'm sure it'll be a blast with Ashley. Have fun!

Mel said...

I'm so looking forward to Monday! An extra day to sleep in!!! I think that Jazz is my favorite class. It's a lot of fun and the prof. is really funny. Bowling will be great. The strike against it(pun intended)is the smoking in there! Oh and Esh is hopefully going to be able to transfer into my biology class!!!!!!!!

uj said...

smart shopper...i see "used" books. Don't you just love to learn? Good for you.

Mel said...

Of course they're used! It's too expensive to buy new! Well, I a few of them are new because that's the only way you can get them (work books. . .)

Learning is fun but can be tiring. Esh is in my Biology class and my bowling!!!!! That's going to be so much fun.