Saturday, March 08, 2008


Chelsea and Ains
"A punch to the face"
Scary I know
Wow, a normal picture of Carl!
And a not so normal picture of Carl and Esh
Another week in the college life. My midterm behind me, on paper down, countless hours of Bible study, two 3 am nights and another week of work. It was really a very blessed week. Monday I had my bio lab midterm which wasn't too bad. TuesdayI learned about genetics in lab (some very scary stuff there), voted, worked, cleaned at the student center and then went to Bible study. I had a great discussion with Carl, Thomas and Severo about Torah until almost 3am when we called it quits. The time was really blessed and I left feeling refreshed and ready to delve into the word even more. When it came time for History at 8 that same morning it wasn't such a physically refreshing feeling but it was worth it. Wednesday wasn't super remarkable. I broke into Esh's house because my truck wouldn't start and no one was there. No worries, I was able to get in the back door and I didn't break anything. :)

Thursday I was able to sleep in and catch up on my rest! That night Carl, Esh, Ainslee, and Chelsea came over and ate, watched Napoleon Dynamite and played bumper pool! My terrible case of procrastination kept me up until almost 3 writing a paper due at 8. I completed it though! Friday night I was wiped out and crashed by 9 pm and didn't crawl out of bed until noon today! I think it's time for a nap too.

Oh and the most exciting thing about the week is that I purchased my plane ticket to go and help out in an orphanage during spring break! Esh and Carl are going so it should be a lot of fun! Only 5 more school days until the break!


[ amy ] said...

I am SO sad you will be in MY city when I am not... *tear*

[ amy ] said...
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