Thursday, April 24, 2008

My 21st one month late

I figured in honor of the 1 month anniversary of turning 21 I should post some birthday pics. Sorry it's been so long. Life's been busy and I've been busy living it instead of documenting it.




Me and the most delicious cake ever! Chocolate with whitechocolate and espresso icing and chocolate covered strawberries. Don't tell me your mouth isn't watering.
What's a birthday without a little brother and some Jones?
Carl graciously made me a matching "bubba" fork.
Mom was excited!

Yep, I rode an untamed donkey. This time I stayed on!
MOOOOOOve over, I turned 21!

David on the donkey
The donkey trainer with the donkey.


[ amy ] said...

You are so cute! I can't wait to come see you in LESS than TWO WEEKS!


Mel said...

hahaha! You're hillarious and cute! I can hardly wait either. Wait, I can already see myself. I can hardly wait to see you!!! Today I'm making an airport run and in only 10 days mom gets to make one :)