Monday, April 21, 2008

Weekend adventures

Well, I haven't taken pics of my new hair do for the week or the battle scars from the crash but here are pics of Jonah. It's looking as if he's toast so I'm just thankful he was an organ donor. hahaha. God really preserved me and I have very few injuries and what I have are very minor. My finger is jammed pretty badly and my left arm has some marks on it from the air bag. These pics were all taken today. Today for school I had to drive right by the scene of the crash. Well, I'll write more later. . .

notice the dent in the battery
air bag! My first clue that I was not able to stop in time. The stuff in the passenger floor board was put there by the towtruck guy.

1 comment:

[ amy ] said...

I'm just stinking glad you're okay.