Monday, March 26, 2007

Monday's update on Esh

Well, it turns out she's doing better than she was but I hadn't been informed of how bad she was. Today she was able to eat half a piece of pizza (impressive to her mom at this point) and with her mom's help she took a shower. The treatment is helping but not at the rate that would let her go home soon. From what Neno (Ash's maternal grandmother) said we're looking at the 5-6 day hospital stay at this point. They had to do a bone marrow test to diagnose what she has and to rule out leukemia. . . She has the best disease out of the possibilites! She was given a local anesthesia and that's all when they extracted the bone marrow which made Ashley nervous and it was rather uncomfortable. Her mom said that they were literally drilling the bone out. They didn't give her the red blood cells as had been the plan at one point because they diagnosed it with the bone marrow test. Her rash is going away thankfully but her face still looks "bad" and so do her eyes. Neno and I aren't really sure what that means but that's what Tammy (Ashley's mom) told Neno. They are monitoring her to make sure she doesn't develop any internal hemorrhaging.

I know the name now and I've been researching it some. The prognosis is good about 80% of the time and I'm hoping and praying Esh is in that 80%. Please keep their whole family in your prayers and also, this has been rather hard on me especially since I was just there and now I'm so far away and she's such a close friend.

1 comment:

[ amy ] said...

Holy cow! Poor Ash. I sure hope she's able to get out of the hospital soon... I'm sure she wishes all she had to worry about now was studying, like the first night!

I got your message. I'll call ya tomorrow.
