Saturday, March 24, 2007

Prayer Request!!!!!

Esh while I was in Israel.

This morning my friend in Israel (Ashley/Esh) called me to wish me a happy 20th so I was chatting away and she said, "Mel, I wanted to call you and tell you happy birthday but really my parents and I are on the way out the door to go to the hospital." Apparently Friday night before she went to bed she noticed a funny looking rash on her arms. It looked like purple freckles. She didn't think much about it but when she woke up in the morning the rash had spread and she had raised blood blister things in her mouth. A doctor friend reccomended that they go to the hospital to get it checked out but he thought it was a virus. Ash said it was not a big deal she was just going to get it checked out at the hosp. since the docs were closed. I asked her to call me when she got home later. Well, as it approached 11 PM her time and I hadn't heard anything I called her sister to find out what was up. The docs didn't know at all what it was. Her red blood cell count is elevated and they've done a cat scan and several blood tests. She has to stay at least overnight. Last Aubrey had heard they were waiting for the blood test results. Esh was upset before they even left for the hospital because it meant she didn't get to study today. Now that she has to stay Aubz and I are assuming she's really upset about that. Please pray for their whole family! I really wish I was still there with her now!!!!!

1 comment:

[ amy ] said...

Poor Ash! That's definitely creepy. Let me know when she's out of the hospital.

Your pics down below are amazing!