Thursday, April 05, 2007

Yom Yaledet!

Happy 20th Esh!!!!!!

You've made it two whole decades in this crazy world and lived over half of those years in the best country ever! Keep getting better and smiling and laughing and of course SHOPPING for good deals.

I know you feel old but honestly it's not that bad. Just wait until you get even older like me. I mean the last 2 weeks has really shown me that turning 20 is nothhing and that later in life things hit you harder. J/K

Wish I were there to serve the birthday spankings but alas, I'll let Anni do it instead.

May you have many more anniversaries of your birth! May your mom feel many times better today than she did 20 years ago!

I love you Esh!

Here's a mirror into Esh's last year of life!

The woman that worked so hard to be able to share Ashley with all of us! Thanks Tammy!

1 comment:

[ amy ] said...

Happy birthday, Ashley! I would leave her a comment on Myspace but, well, I don't have one anymore :o)